Board Chair, Chicanos Por La Causa
It wasn’t until high school that I met a teacher who looked like me.
A Latina.
Ever since she helped me find my voice, I’ve dreamed of being the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
For those of us who can, it’s important we take every opportunity to speak up not just for ourselves, but for our friends and our familia.
For our loved ones who don’t yet have the right to vote and make their voice heard. Our voice is our vote.
In just one week, we are going to come together and decide who we want to lead our nation.
But that’s not the only decision we'll make. In many states, we’ll be voting on senators, representatives for Congress, ballot propositions, and more.
Let's prepare today so that on Election Day, we are ready to make well-informed decisions that honor our democracy.
Thankfully, your Secretary of State office prepares a voter guide which you can use to begin your research. You can find this guide at your Secretary of State website or at the following links here:
Arizona published this 2024 General Election Publicity Pamphlet. If you requested a mail-in ballot, you may also receive a bilingual booklet in the same envelope. You can find more information at azsos.gov.
California has guides in English, Spanish, and a few other languages. This site also has ASL videos and audio versions in several languages. You can find more information at sos.ca.gov.
Colorado published this 2024 State Ballot Information Booklet in English and Spanish. This site also has the booklet in audio format. You can find more information at coloradosos.gov.
Nevada has ballot guides in English, Spanish, and other languages. This site also has ASL videos and audio versions. You can find more information at nvsos.gov/sos.
New Mexico published this 2024 Voter Information Resource Guide. You can find more information at sos.nm.gov.
Texas has resources here. You can find more information at sos.state.tx.us.
These are a lot of resources, and I know it can feel overwhelming. But you don’t need to become an expert to have a say.
The most important thing is that you participate in our democracy.
I still remember how it felt when I didn’t have a voice. As an immigrant child I was so grateful for the opportunities and support that made me feel seen and helped me get to where I am today.
That’s why to this day, I strive to give back and lend my voice to those who cannot speak.
How do YOU think we should move forward to create a more equitable future for all?
Delma Herrera
CPLC Board Chair