

Promoting equitable policies that impact our community.


Chicanos Por La Causa advocates for our community.

In addition to our direct programs and services, CPLC promotes fair and just policies that impact the communities we serve:

Voter Registration

Latino Loud is a nonpartisan voter engagement campaign by CPLC Action Fund, a 501C4 nonprofit advocacy organization that is overseen by an unpaid volunteer board. CPLC Action Fund is operated independently from Chicanos Por La Causa.

DACA Tuition Scholarships

CPLC teamed up with the foundations of Arizona's three public universities and two largest community college districts to raise private funds for scholarships for DACA students, who recently faced a 50%-200% tuition increase after the AZ Supreme Court ruled they are no longer eligible for in-state tuition. 

US Census

CPLC joined a lawsuit against the federal government which successfully blocked the addition of a citizenship question on the 2020 US Census. 

Public Transit

CPLC has repeatedly advocated for the expansion of public transit access, including the Phoenix light rail, in low-income communities. In particular, we supported the expansion of the Phoenix light rail into South Phoenix and helped oppose Prop. 105, which would have ended light rail expansion. 

Civil Rights

CPLC successfully advocated to shut down Tent City as a vocal member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Advisory Boards. We also met with the governor and law enforcement leaders at all levels across Arizona to rebuild relations with the community and shape policy and implementation of SB 1070 to prevent racial profiling. 

Migrant Rights

CPLC hosted a group of Mexican legislators and senators, as well as the migrant community, to discuss migrant rights. As a result, the senators voted to fund Mexican Consulate programs across the country that help protect the migrant community. As part of this program, we have hosted 14 Know Your Rights forums across Arizona. 

Human Trafficking

In 2017, CPLC began working with the Department of Homeland Security and Mexican diplomats to counter human trafficking in Arizona and Mexico. We are currently training CPLC staff to recognize victims of trafficking and contact the police. We are also developing a new program to provide services to former trafficking victims. 

Legislative Action

CPLC actively supports or opposes more than 30 federal and state legislative bills affecting the clients we serve every year, including education funding, children’s healthcare, affordable housing, and home businesses. CPLC represents the voice of the community, rallying key stakeholders—including elected officials, businesses, and community leaders—to engage. 


In early 2017, as Congress worked to repeal the Affordable Care Act, CPLC took action. We convened a coalition of 20 national and local organizations, organizing town halls, action alerts, and district meetings to urge our legislators to vote “no.” CPLC hosted press conferences at our headquarters and testified at the State Capitol on healthcare legislation. In the end, Arizona Senator John McCain’s thumbs-down blocked the bill and provided direct validation of our efforts.