

Equitable Access to Higher Education.


CPLC Scholarships empower future community leaders and innovators committed to improving Arizona communities. 

Our program provides financial assistance and ongoing supportive services to outstanding students attending Arizona colleges and universities. CPLC Scholars have a demonstrated commitment to making positive changes to their communities and their selected fields of study. The program is especially dedicated to serving those students with limited access to financial resources. 

As a scholarship recipient, CPLC Scholars become members of a community of motivated learners with similar backgrounds, providing a social foundation as they embark on this exciting phase of life. They also complete community service hours as part of the requirements for maintaining their scholarship, providing an opportunity to experience how their actions can have a positive impact on others and the world around them. 

For questions about any CPLC scholarship, contact Scholarships@cplc.org

Gracias a mi beca de CPLC puedo enfocarme en mis estudios, en vez de tratar de dividirme entre la escuela y el trabajo.

  • Nina, Becaria

All scholars musthave been admitted to one of the three state universities (ASU, NAU, UA) or Maricopa Community Colleges, completed the 2024-25 FAFSA application, and intend to be a full-time student. 

Arizona State University

CPLC offers full-tuition scholarships to ASU. Application Deadline: March 1, 2024. Click here for qualifications and to apply!  

Northern Arizona University (Yuma Campus)

NAU and CPLC provide 15 students with tuition, fees, and other expenses. Application opens soon! Questions: email scholarships@nau.edu or call (928) 523-4951 

The University of Arizona

CPLC offers three scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Arizona: the CPLC Lorraine Lee Health Sciences Scholarship, Los Medicos, and the Chicanos Por La Causa Scholarship—Zuckerman College of Public Health. 

Applications Opens in January 2024. Click here for qualifications and to apply! 

Maricopa Community Colleges

Application Opens in January 2024. For more details on the scholarship, please click here

Other scholarships

CPLC and the City of Tempe are offering the Dolores Huerta Scholarship: a $1,000 scholarship awarded to a high school senior living in or attending school in Tempe. For more information, click here. 

For information about our BHP scholarship for residents of the Copper Corridor, visit this page. 

More than

students have received CPLC scholarships

CPLC Scholars have received a total of more than


CPLC Scholars completed

volunteer hours last year